
On Moral Sanction by Onkar Ghate

The issue of moral sanction features prominently in Ayn Rand’s work, especially Atlas Shrugged, and in the Objectivist movement and its history. Dr. Ghate will discuss the issue of moral sanction both from the perspective of Rand’s fiction and nonfiction, considering what is distinctive in Rand’s approach and how what she says is often misunderstood, and from the perspective of application to cases past and present.

Recorded live on June 15th in Anaheim, CA as part of OCON 2024

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The State of American Politics by Yaron Brook

Over the course of recent years, the American electorate has become increasingly tribal, unthinking, and easily swayed by demagoguery. How should we think about the state of America’s political culture as we head into this year’s election season?

Recorded live on June 14th in Anaheim, CA as part of OCON 2024

Want to join us next year?:

Spreading Objectivism: A Vision for ARI’s Future with Tal Tsfany

Tal Tsfany, ARI’s president and CEO, will review ARI’s mission to spread Objectivism and the progress made during 2023–24.

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Q&A Panel on Objectivism with Yaron Brook, Onkar Ghate, Aaron Smith, and Nikos Sotirakopolous

Recorded live as part of AynRandCon Europe 2024 in Amsterdam.

Visit for more information.

Why We Need More Objectivists and Objectivist Intellectuals by Onkar Ghate

Recorded live as part of AynRandCon Europe 2024 in Amsterdam.

Visit for more information.

“Atlas Shrugged:” America’s Second Declaration of Independence

In this special event celebrating Independence Day, Nikos Sotirakopoulos interviews Onkar Ghate about his 2007 talk “Atlas Shrugged: America’s Second Declaration of Independence.” The episode includes a full rebroadcast of the talk.

Mentioned in the discussion is Ayn Rand’s novel Atlas Shrugged (

The podcast premiered on July 2, 2024. Listen and subscribe from your mobile device on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify or Stitcher.

Happiness Team Presentation by Tal Tsfany

Happiness Team is a life-changing workshop and accountability team, aimed to systematize the pursuit of happiness using Ayn Rand’s deep, life-serving discoveries. In this session, you’ll get started on the road to understanding who you are, what you want and how to get it. You’ll come away with a workbook of exercises and actionable practices for leveraging Objectivism toward achieving your own, independent happiness. Every journey begins with a single step. Take yours.

Recorded live on July 4 at OCON 2023

The Galileo Affair by Dan Schwartz

The Galileo Affair is widely viewed as the classic example of a scientific genius being persecuted by religious dogmatists. Yet, in recent decades, some philosophers and historians of science have put forward a new interpretation that defends the Church’s position philosophically and puts (at least some of) the blame for the conflict on Galileo. Is there any merit to this view? What actually led to Galileo’s persecution, censorship, trial, and house arrest? To address these questions, this talk examines the Galileo Affair in detail.

Recorded live on July 3 at OCON 2023

Mickey Spillane’s Miami (and More) by Shosana Milgram

Ayn Rand admired Mickey Spillane as a writer and a crusader: “a brilliant literary talent” and a “moral absolutist.” Several of his novels, including the two-book series about Morgan the Raider (a pirate with an enigmatic past and mysterious motivations) were set partially or completely in Miami. One character, amazed at his first glimpse of the homes and hotels of the Miami skyline, asks: “How could men with their bare hands build such a place?” This talk, in addition to describing the stories and settings of Spillane’s Miami novels, will include new information about his life and parallels between his writing and the work of writers he admired, including Alexandre Dumas and Ayn Rand, whom he considered a personal friend.

Recorded live on July 1 at OCON 2023

Aristotle’s Method of Scientific Investigation by Gregory Salmieri

This lesson explains Aristotle’s method of scientific investigation, focusing on Aristotle’s logical works—especially the Posterior Analytics. Salmieri discusses Aristotle’s view of the kinds of questions we seek to answer when we investigate; for example, the nature of definitions and their relationship to scientific demonstrations, and the formation of new concepts.

This course includes a handout:

Lesson 3 of 3 in “Aristotle’s Theory of Knowledge”

Copyright © 1985 – 2024 The Ayn Rand Institute (ARI). Reproduction of content and images in whole or in part is prohibited. All rights reserved.

Aristotle’s Theory of Universals by Gregory Salmieri

In this lesson, Salmieri explains Aristotle’s theory of universals and how that theory makes possible scientific understanding (epistēmē) of this world based on sense-perception. The lesson explains that universal knowledge, for Aristotle, is a power to know particulars as falling under kinds. Salmieri concludes with a discussion of a famous chapter of the Posterior Analytics, in which Aristotle uses a battlefield metaphor to explain how we grasp universals.

This course includes a handout:

Lesson 2 of 3 in “Aristotle’s Theory of Knowledge”

Copyright © 1985 – 2024 The Ayn Rand Institute (ARI). Reproduction of content and images in whole or in part is prohibited. All rights reserved.

Aristotle on the Different Types of Knowledge by Gregory Salmieri

In this lesson, Salmieri discusses Aristotle’s view of the types and degrees of knowledge. In particular, he explains what is distinctive about the type of knowledge that Aristotle calls epistēmē (scientific understanding) and relates it to Objectivism’s view of the importance of thinking in principle. He also introduces Aristotle’s concept of technē (art, craft or skill) and explains why Aristotle regards both technē and epistēmē as superior to mere experience.

This course includes a handout:

Lesson 1 of 3 in “Aristotle’s Theory of Knowledge”

Copyright © 1985 – 2024 The Ayn Rand Institute (ARI). Reproduction of content and images in whole or in part is prohibited. All rights reserved.

Stoicism and Objectivism on What (and How) to Value by Aaron Smith

The ancient Stoics held that we suffer in life because we value the wrong things and/or have the wrong attitude toward our values. If we want to live the good life, they held, we need to radically change the way we value. Given the growing popularity of Stoicism in the culture today, it’s worth examining what this reorientation to values amounts to, and what it would mean to adopt it. This talk will explore both ancient and modern Stoic approaches to values from the perspective of Objectivism’s radically different view.

Discover the crucial link between the right ideas and happiness. Visit

Recorded July 4, 2023, at OCON in Miami, Florida.

Augustine’s War Against Earthly Pride by Ben Bayer

St. Augustine’s philosophy marked a decisive turning point in the history of the West, the first systematic repudiation of the ancient Greek philosophical outlook in favor of Christian religion. Augustine’s ethics was especially crucial. He fundamentally repudiated the content of pagan views of virtue even as he retained certain trappings of their framework. The most telling example was Augustine’s celebration of the virtue of humility, in defiance of the Greek virtue of pride. This talk will highlight the roots of Augustine’s elevation of humility and outline how it helped usher in the dominance of the morality of altruism in both religious and secular Western philosophy.

Discover the crucial link between the right ideas and happiness. Visit

Recorded July 2, 2023, at OCON in Miami, Florida.

The Reading Wars Today by Sam Weaver

After decades of debate, and despite the overwhelming strength of the evidence in favor of phonics, reading education is still a controversial topic in the United States. Many educators continue to resist phonics in favor of anti-conceptual methods that amount to not teaching reading at all. This talk will present the recent history and current state of the reading wars and examine the ideas behind the ongoing opposition to phonics.

Discover the crucial link between the right ideas and happiness. Visit

Recorded July 1, 2023, at OCON in Miami, Florida.

Saving Math from Plato by Harry Binswanger

Mathematics is the headquarters of Platonism—the reification of abstractions and the primacy of concepts over percepts. Even Euclid defined “line” as “breadthless length,” something not of this world, and the moderns define “one” in terms of nonbeing (the null set). In this lecture, drawing on a few incisive statements by Ayn Rand, Dr. Binswanger gives perceptually based definitions of key mathematical concepts, such as quantity, measurement, one, number, point, line, infinite, and mathematics itself.

Delivered at OCON 2023 in Miami, Florida on July 3, 2023.

Why We Are Losing Our Freedom of Speech by Peter Schwartz

Freedom of speech used to be an unquestioned value. Even as society endorsed the use of force in other realms, the individual’s right to express ideas freely was widely acknowledged. Today, that right is coming under increasing attack. Why? And what can we do to counter this ominous threat? Mr. Schwartz discusses the fundamental relation between force and the mind—and examines the modern philosophic premise that, by blurring the distinction between thought and action, leads to the suppression of free speech.

Delivered at OCON 2023 in Miami, Florida on July 2, 2023.

Happiness II: Objective Confidence by Jean Moroney

An important component of happiness is confidence in your future success. How is such confidence possible, especially with ambitious goals that involve significant risks? In this talk, Ms. Moroney will discuss how the Objectivist ethics and epistemology help you establish objective confidence that you will be successful. A companion to her previous talk, Happiness, this will be a self-contained discussion of topics including: How to conceptualize ambitious goals to foster creativity; the need for objective self-awareness of your knowledge, values, and skills; and how rationally to deal with mistakes, setbacks, and failures.

The handout is available here:

Recorded at OCON on Saturday, July 1, 2023, in Miami, Florida.

How to Be an Earthly Idealist by Don Watkins

Many are attracted to Objectivism for its idealism. But they often struggle to successfully use Objectivism as a guide for living on earth, and experience its ideals as a source of frustration, confusion, and guilt. In this talk, Don Watkins draws on his experience as Ayn Rand University’s Director of Coaching and Mentoring to discuss what gives rise to this problem—and practical strategies for overcoming it.

Recorded at OCON on July 2, 2023, in Miami, Florida.

The Ontological Argument for the Existence of God by Robert Mayhew

Anselm of Canterbury (11th century) was the first to present the ontological argument, purporting to demonstrate God’s existence through a mere analysis of the definition of God. Aquinas rejected the argument, but Descartes revived it. Kant was thought by many to deliver it a death blow, but it continues to be resuscitated. This lecture is an exercise in philosophical detection: Dr. Mayhew will present the argument and then explain Objectivism’s unique reasons for rejecting it as not merely false, but as an absurd rationalization.

Recorded at OCON 2023 in Miami, Florida

Moral Cognition: Telling Right from Wrong by Gregory Salmieri

What is the relationship between abstract moral principles (such as those that make up the Objectivist ethics) and the ability of people who do not (yet) grasp these principles to tell right from wrong? To what extent (and in what ways) can someone who doesn’t understand why something is good (or bad) know that it is good (or bad)? In this talk, Dr. Salmieri will address these questions and some of their implications for moral education, intellectual activism, and assessing ideological movements.

Recorded at OCON 2023 in Miami, Florida.

Justice, Moral Judgment, and the Danger of Psychologizing by Onkar Ghate

Ayn Rand’s novels and nonfiction essays contain a wealth of material on the psychological dimensions of philosophical ideas and principles. But in one of those essays she also cautions about the danger of “psychologizing.” We’ll explore aspects of how to extract the action-guiding value of the psychological dimensions of philosophical ideas that she highlights while avoiding the pitfall of psychologizing.

Recorded at OCON on July 2, 2023, in Miami, Florida.

The Left’s Long War on Israel by Nikos Sotirakopoulos

When it comes to Israel’s mortal enemies, the usual suspects are Arab authoritarian regimes, Iran, and the antisemitic far right. And yet, some of the most dangerous wannabe-destroyers of Israel have come from the left. Whether it has been communist states, or terrorist groups, or “peaceful” organizations, the left’s war on Israel has been long and determined.

Delivered at OCON 2023 in Miami, Florida on July 3, 2023.

Living Objectively – Integrating Objectivity Into Your Every Day by Tara Smith

Objectivity isn’t simply a tool for concept-formation or analyzing arguments. Objectivity affects how you treat your friends, how you do your work, how you set your goals. This lecture probes objectivity’s role in everyday living. It considers ways that objectivity (or its lack) manifests itself in a range of domains and ways in which well-intended people can easily fall into non-objective practices. The stakes? Being objective is vital for fully flourishing.

This talk was recorded at OCON 2023 in Miami, Florida

Talk copyright: Tara Smith

How Objectivism Can Fuel Your Happiness by Tal Tsfany

Objectivism is a philosophy for living on earth. Happily. In this talk, ARI CEO Tal Tsfany will share concepts and actionable practices for leveraging Objectivism toward achieving the state of consciousness we call happiness. This interactive session will cover tools and techniques for answering questions such as “Who am I?” “What do I love?” What do I want?” “How do I get it?” and “What’s the point?”

Recorded live at Ayn Rand Con Europe 2023

Inside ARU: Philosophy and Work with Keith Schacht

Ayn Rand University is an online school of philosophy whose mission is to educate our students about Rand’s philosophy of Objectivism and to provide them with the intellectual, career and life guidance they need to flourish.

In this clip, from the ARU course “Philosophy, Work and Business,” instructors Tal Tsfany, Onkar Ghate and Don Watkins talk to entrepreneur and inventor Keith Schacht about how to choose and pursue a fulfilling career.

To learn more about ARU, visit

Inside ARU: Philosophy and Work with Yaron Brook

Ayn Rand University is an online school of philosophy whose mission is to educate our students about Rand’s philosophy of Objectivism and to provide them with the intellectual, career and life guidance they need to flourish.

In this clip, from the ARU course “Philosophy, Work and Business,” instructors Tal Tsfany, Onkar Ghate and Don Watkins talk to bestselling author, speaker, and public advocate for Objectivism about how to pursue an intellectual career.

To learn more about ARU, visit

The Immorality of the U.S. Immigration System by Agustina Vergara Cid

Opponents of immigration often say those who want to come to America should “get in line” and follow the law. But the U.S. immigration system sets legal immigrants up for failure, and penalizes the best people who want to make America their home. The system is profoundly unjust both for immigrants and for Americans as well. Agustina Vergara Cid, an ARI Junior Fellow, will relate a number of immigration stories (including her own) in the context of the legal landscape that generates these injustices.

Recorded live at OCON 2023

Q&A Panel and Conclusion of Conference with Onkar Ghate, Robert Mayhew, and Gregory Salmieri

Attendees take this final opportunity to pose any lingering questions the conference may have raised.

Recorded live at Ayn Rand Con Europe 2023

Russia’s War in Ukraine by Yaron Brook

The war in Ukraine continues nearly a year and a half since Russia’s initial invasion. In this talk, Dr. Brook will illuminate the causes and consequences of this war. What were the factors that led to it, and what is its current status? What lessons can we learn about the state of our culture by looking at the response in the West to the war in Ukraine—especially the response of the American Right?

Recorded live at OCON 2023

Anti-Americanism and Anti-Capitalism by Nikos Sotirakopoulos

When America was attacked by terrorists on September 11, 2001, Greece was among the countries with the strongest anti-American sentiment, together with the likes of Pakistan and Iran. At the same time, it was one of the few remaining countries with a strong Communist Party, and with leftist ideas having a significant pull in society. Why do anti-Americanism and anti-capitalism go hand in hand? Why are both prevalent among modern European culture? How can societies that have contributed to and benefitted from the achievements of the West share such an animosity towards the ideas that made them great? In this talk, Nikos Sotirakopoulos, will interrogate the above questions, and the links between anti-Americanism and anti-capitalism, by drawing on his own experience from his years in the radical left.

Recorded live at Ayn Rand Con Europe 2023

Reason and Faith — Their Methods, Their Consequences, Their Relationship by Tara Smith

This lecture clarifies the basic nature of reason and of faith. It explains the superiority of reason by highlighting its role in the acquisition of knowledge and the advance of human progress. Finally, it explores the prospects for reconciling reason with faith, finding that any attempts to partner the two serve only to destroy the benefits of reason.

Recorded live at Ayn Rand Con Europe 2023

Aristotle’s Lyceum by Robert Mayhew

In this talk, after a quick look at the life of Aristotle and his establishment of a philosophical school at the Lyceum, Dr. Mayhew will describe the grounds and buildings of the Lyceum, its use as a school of philosophy, and the possible reasons for its steady decline as a cultural influence in the centuries following Aristotle’s death. A brief account of some of the Aristotelians who came after him (e.g. Theophrastus and Eudemus) will be included.

Recorded live at Ayn Rand Con Europe 2023

Man’s Life as the Standard of Value in the Ethics of Ayn Rand and Aristotle by Gregory Salmieri

“Man’s life,” wrote Ayn Rand, “is the standard of morality.” Aristotle was the first to identify the proper standard of morality as the distinctly human form of life—the life of a rational animal. But Rand and Aristotle have importantly different views of what the human form of life is—in particular, about why reason is a value and how it relates to the faculties and the needs that human beings share with other living things. This talk explores the similarities and differences between these two ethicists.

Recorded live at Ayn Rand Con Europe 2023

Panel Discussion: Objectivism and Ancient Greek Philosophy with Robert Mayhew, Gregory Salmieri and Aaron Smith

Today’s earlier sessions were about Ayn Rand’s philosophy, Objectivism. In this panel we reflect on this philosophy in light of the nature of philosophy as a discipline and its origins in the thinkers of Ancient Athens. What is philosophy and why did it first arise in Ancient Greece and flower in Athens? What is the special significance of Socrates and Plato? Why did Rand see her “only philosophical debt“ as being to Aristotle and in what sense is her philosophy Aristotelian? What are the other philosophic systems from antiquity and how does Objectivism relate to them?

Recorded live at Ayn Rand Con Europe 2023

Q&A Panel on Objectivism with Onkar Ghate, Gregory Salmieri, Tara Smith and Aaron Smith

After reflecting on the talks so far, here is your chance to ask any questions you have about Ayn Rand’s philosophy, Objectivism.

Recorded live at Ayn Rand Con Europe 2023

Capitalism: The Only Moral Social System by Gregory Salmieri

“If life on earth is one’s standard of value,” wrote Ayn Rand, “then the nineteenth century moved mankind forward more than all the other centuries combined.” She attributed the century’s “creative energy” and “rising standard of living” to the introduction of the only moral social system: capitalism. In this talk, Dr. Salmieri discusses why it is the only moral system, and how its moral character makes possible an unprecedented prosperity that humanity has only begun (fitfully) to achieve.

Recorded live at Ayn Rand Con Europe 2023

What Does It Mean to Be Selfish? – Ayn Rand’s Vision of Rational Egoism by Tara Smith

“Give back,” “Serve something higher than yourself,” “Put others first” – this is the wisdom of the ages. Raised on these platitudes from religious and secular quarters alike, most people assume that to be moral simply is to be selfless. Ayn Rand rejects this assumption. She champions the virtue of selfishness. But what does that mean? This lecture highlights some of the key elements of rational egoism to illuminate what it is and is not. By refuting common misconceptions as well as indicating what genuine self-interest demands, it paves the way for the healthy exercise of selfishness and the happiness that it makes possible.

Handout link:

Recorded live at Ayn Rand Con Europe 2023

The Evil of Altruism by Onkar Ghate

Everyone knows that altruism — selfless sacrifice for the sake of others — is the essence of virtue, right? But what if our understanding of the true meaning of “altruism” and “sacrifice” is completely mistaken? What if these ideas are actually destructive and harmful? From Ayn Rand’s perspective, our whole way of thinking about morality needs to be radically rethought.

Recorded live at Ayn Rand Con Europe 2023

Ayn Rand’s Ideas: An Introduction by Aaron Smith

Every major philosophy gives you answers to questions about the nature of the world we live in, about human nature, about how to live one’s life and organize society. The answers we accept (implicitly or explicitly) give us guidance and a framework for living. This talk will provide an overview of Ayn Rand’s philosophy, Objectivism, and her original answers to these questions, which have sparked an idealistic movement for reason, rational self-interest and laissez-faire capitalism.

Recorded live at Ayn Rand Con Europe 2023

Is Inequality Fair? by Yaron Brook

We’re told that the gap between the poor and the rich has widened. Many decry the “injustice” of income and wealth inequality. But is it actually a problem and are the proposed remedies truly just? What is a fair “distribution” of income and wealth? Yaron Brook takes on these and related issues and argues that a genuinely laissez-faire capitalist society is, in fact, the only system of fairness, that is, justice.

Recorded March 5, 2014

The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict . . . What Is the Solution? by Yaron Brook

Central to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is the question of whether the state of Israel has a moral right to exist. In this talk Dr. Yaron Brook argues that Israel deserves — but is not receiving — America’s moral and political support; that by sacrificing its loyal ally for the sake of appeasing our common enemies, America is undermining its own war on terrorism.

Recorded December 12, 2002

Why Bad Economics Won’t Go Away by Yaron Brook

Why is it that people don’t seem to learn from experience? It is clear that our existing Keynesian economic policies have failed miserably. We can compare controlled economies with those less controlled, and compare more regulated sectors of our own economy with those sectors that have fewer regulations. Logic and history are on the side of those economists who have advocated for free markets. Why do those who advocate sound economic policies continue to fail in substantially rolling back government intervention in the economy? It would seem so easy.

In this talk, delivered on December 1, 2011, at Hyatt Regency Hotel in Chicago, Yaron Brook, executive director of the Ayn Rand Institute, identifies the reasons people find the free-market idea so difficult to accept and why statist policies seem to make so much sense to them. He identifies why we have been losing this intellectual battle, and provides real solutions on how to make significant headway toward ending these bad economic policies, allowing us to achieve more freedom and prosperity.

Pandemics and Patents by Adam Mossoff

Biopharmaceutical innovators responded heroically to the COVID-19 pandemic. In unprecedented time and with cutting-edge technologies, they created vaccines and other medical treatments that saved millions of lives around the world. For this extraordinary achievement, leftists and libertarians have vilified them, and politicians are actively seeking to confiscate their patents. This talk explains how patents made possible the unprecedented response to the pandemic and why these vital property rights have been wrongly attacked.

Recorded live on July 7, 2022 as part of the Objectivist Summer Conference.

The Inductive Origins of Darwins Origin by James Lennox

Charles Darwin was far from the first person to defend the idea that new species originate by a natural evolutionary process. Between 1750 and 1850 the idea had many defenders, including his grandfather. Why did Charles Darwin succeed in convincing his fellow naturalists, when many before him had failed? Based on a decades-long study of his private notebooks and correspondence, this lecture by James Lennox will describe the inductive method that lies behind Darwin’s brilliant presentation of the theory of evolution by natural selection presented in On the Origin of Species.

Recorded live on July 3, 2022 as part of the Objectivist Summer Conference.

Judging Viewpoints by Their Fundamentals by Peter Schwartz

How do we judge viewpoints — political movements, ideologies, philosophies — that seem to contain mixtures of good and bad ideas? How do we determine whether any specific element of a broader framework is good or bad? This talk discusses a range of viewpoints, from environmentalism to religion to Black Lives Matter, and examines the means by which their concrete positions should be assessed. It explains how to identify the fundamental of any systematic viewpoint, and how that must shape our judgment of those concrete positions.

Recorded live on July 7, 2022 as part of the Objectivist Summer Conference.

The Progress Movement: Origins, Momentum and Opportunities by Jason Crawford

In the last few years, a new intellectual community and movement has arisen, centered on the value of scientific, technological, industrial, and economic progress. These ideas have caught the attention of business leaders, academic economists, and prominent journalists. Where did this movement come from? Why is it gaining traction? And what are the key steps to maximize its positive impact? Crawford will give his viewpoint as someone who has been inside the epicenter of this movement since its beginning.

Recorded live on July 7, 2022 as part of the Objectivist Summer Conference.

“We the Living” – Celebrating the Film’s 80-Year Journey by Duncan Scott

Mr. Scott, restorer of the film classic We the Living, will give a talk celebrating the movie’s astonishing 80-year journey—from 1942 to 2022. Scott will vividly describe the many controversies and intrigues surrounding the film’s production in war-time Italy; the heroic efforts to save the film after dictator Mussolini ordered the film destroyed; Scott’s personal experiences working alongside Ayn Rand on the initial restoration of the rediscovered movie; and the meticulous new restoration.

Recorded live on July 5, 2022 as part of the Objectivist Summer Conference.